To Love is to be Certain

        Have you ever wished to be someone’s “nag-iisang tiyak sa isang libong duda”? A lyric from Ebe Dancel’s song, Bawat Daan. A proof that in order to love someone, we need to be certain. Would you take a risk in a million of uncertainty? Well you should, considering that life is too fleeting to let opportunities pass by, especially during this month of love. Personally, this year’s valentines were nothing but an ordinary one. I woke up in the morning and passed through the gates where I saw that students everywhere are wearing their respective shirts based on the color coding, I saw a lot of people in red which means they’re taken, holding bouquets and chocolates—a gift for their loved ones. I don’t hold any bitterness on couples but sometimes I wish, could it be me? I’ve experienced the month of love for 15 years already. It all seems like everyone’s falling in love and I’m falling behind. Perhaps, there’s more to life than just love, right? I can stand on my own, I can do things alone but wouldn’t it be nice if I have a shoulder to cry on?

When February comes around, we often think of flowers, chocolates, and romantic dates. But honestly, why wait for Valentine's Day to show love? Love should be celebrated every day. I don’t get people who only express their love on Valentine’s Day, there’s no such thing as a day for love because love is unconditional. However, we took advantage of Valentine’s Day. On our periods, we marconians decided to surprise our teachers by serenading and singing in ilocano. We sang songs like “isem” and “nagguapo kan manong”. Who knew this could count as a form of love. We also gave them a small token of appreciation which are cookies and chocolates. It was a small gesture, but it meant a lot. I realized that teachers are not mere educators but are also human. They need love as much as we do considering how much work and effort they put in their students. I’m beyond grateful for what they do. 

While Valentine's Day is often associated with romantic love, it's also a time for expressing appreciation and affection for friends and family. It's a day to celebrate all forms of love, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. I’ve talked about love in my past blog and there’s one thing I’ve realized, to love yourself before you love someone. Before you say those three words and eight letters to someone, bear in mind that’s it’s a big step because it’s something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. What if you don’t? What if we're not prepared to accept someone's flaws and imperfections? So don’t act impulsively. It's important to take the time to understand ourselves and our own needs before we can fully commit to loving someone else. This month of love provides us with an opportunity to focus on self-improvement. By investing in ourselves and becoming the best version of who we are, we can eventually share that love and positivity with others. Remember, love is a journey, and it's okay to take your time to get there.

To those who sat by me the past years and whom I just met this year, you know yourselves and if you’re reading this, this may sound cheesy but whether we've shared laughs or quiet moments together, your friendship has made a difference in my life. Whoever comes in your life, I wish they treat you well. In 3 months, we will be parting ways to senior high school. Whatever path you choose, I wish it leads you to happiness and fulfillment. And to the one who’s reading this, I hope you heal from the things you don’t talk about. To sum up, love exists in all forms but remember that the highest form of love is loving yourself, truth be told, you are so much better than who they thought you were.



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Fonseca, E. (2021). [Photograph]. A Little Help For Me, 2011 Paintings: Oil on Canvas. Retrieved February 23, 2024, from

 Anonymous (n.d). [Photograph]. You'll never know how damaged a person is until you try to love them. Retrieved February 23, 2024, from


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